Sunday 15 June 2008

Our Story - Sunday People 15/June 2008

This may be a bit late - but I only heard myself today/ this morning that 'Our HIV Story' was actually going to be published today

I wanted to let you know ( you may not be interested in what such an in-consequential person such as me is doing to raise awareness of issues around HIV/AIDs but I just wanted you to know)

  • That I have now began my own 'personal campaign' to raise awareness of HIV and its prevention amongst the UK public
  • To this end and as a beginning - My/Our story is published today in the UK Sunday People 15/June 2008

I have made sure that the KPS charity is mentioned:

Perhaps a less mainstream newspaper than I had hoped - but working class as we are and as a non- celebrity it was the only one I could get in nationally - and I have done my best to make the necessary points - for me about:

  • routine HIV testing in the UK
  • that older people, over 40 are now very much a risk group for HIV in the UK i.e divorce, changing partners due to death of a partner or moving on after several years etc
  • more awareness of the realities of HIV ( I am a qualified youth worker and many young people I have spoken to in the UK think HIV is now curable!!!!)
  • safer sex,
  • that non consecutive - i.e serial rather than several together - partners is the best way in terms of not getting or passing on HIV,
  • telling your partners so they understand the risk and can protect themselves ( controversial I know)
  • that the support offered in the UK should be improved - the access to medication is great but the access to support especially if you are heterosexual is shit.
  • education in the UK improved - for a 'first world' country like the UK popular knowledge of HIV is appalling. Because most thing it will never affect them!!

Sorry I am VERY opinionated!! And my 'opinions' many not be the same as others or well thought out as yet

But it is early days for me and I have to do this my own way

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