Wednesday 26 December 2018

Today I saw a post re-posted on Facebook 6 times by those local to me, for a young women that went missing and was thought to be in Cornwall.

But the original post was from December 2014?? Today it is December 2018?????
And that it was was easily found. Yet no one bothered to look and just re-posted it????

That is sensitive for me, so I notice when missing person appeals are old and not current..

My own daughter went missing when she was just short of 17.
I had no idea where she was for over a month, even after that I had no idea where she was until a few months later.
She just walked out after an argument with nothing!! Just the clothes she stood up in and that was that.

Although it seems a few of her friends mothers did as she sofa surfed with various of them for a while and then one of my close friends did as she got her somewhere to stay.

And not one told me where she was?? I only needed to know where she was and she was safe. And any one could have told me and I thought they were all my friends too!!

But they didn't. Which still hurts so, much, to this today.
One of the things that further damaged me and make me not now to trust anyone.

It is part of my hurt about my daughter as although we have mended a few bridges, she is 29 now, we have never since had a good relationship. Nothing that could be described as a mother and daughter loving relationship.
And yes that was probably down to me, noting anyone else did. I think I was a nightmare at that time.
But yet I thought before she did this , that although not perfect, I was far from it and knew/know I am, that although things were bad. Yet I thought she loved me, I her and that we would mend it.

I was frantic. My husband, her father was at sea so I was on my own.

There was no FB then but had there been I would have put out all sorts of frantic appeals for sightings of her.

As it was I did on MSN, the only sort of social media then, and to the press and went to the police and social services and the local media and put up notices everywhere I could think of , asked all her friends and generally did the opposite of what my daughter wanted.

As she did not want to be found. And she had no intention of coming home.

So that I did what I did she has never fully forgiven me for that as well as what caused her to leave, that I publicized her as missing.

And thank goodness there was no FB then!!!

As she would never forgive me even more if my appeals for her to be found were up there and they were re-posted several years later.
As this was today.

I did post one about a friends cousin recently who went missing some years ago.
But I knew they wanted it shared and it was current, before I did.

So I wish people would check before they re-post/share such missing persons appeals.

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