Wednesday 26 December 2018

My Story

I have to tell the rest of or the whole of my story. And I do not know where to begin.
So I will begin on here.

You may think I have already told my story? As I have told my story of HIV. Well how it began anyway.
But that was not the story.

That was just the icing on the cake.
The final straw that broke me.

There is so much more and as someone so already broken, that my husband who was the only person who I have ever really trusted, was unfaithful and gave me the gift of HIV, was what broke me finally.

And I remain broken.

I now feel the only way to mend is to actually tell my stroy as it comes out. Without pulling my punches to protect others. As while those concerned may feel I have not. That I have not tried to protect them,  actually I always have.

So from now on this blog is for me. I am not writing it for anyone else and thus it will be garbled.

As I will write it as it comes out, with no chronological order, just as it occurs to me and regardless of who else it hurts

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